Weekly updates:

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Weekly updates

We don’t really want to interrupt your (surely) productive day but it is the end of the week and there is a very important discussion you need to be a part of. You may remember the internet meltdown over the actual colour of a dress. Brace yourself for the second coming.

Another Twitter user has taken to the internet to get some fashion advice, this time about which pink/purple nail polish matched the pink/purple shoe. Firstly, props for considering your accessory coordination, that’s always appreciated. Secondly, GTFOH. There are things that I actually wanted to achieve today, not get stuck going back to another photo that is going to fry my brain. Though, the correct choice is pretty obvious (not telling.) Decide for yourself and have a laugh at some of the reactions from others URL.

More internet sensations

The internet is going nuts for Shia LaBoeuf’s green screen performance art footage
The Internet Reacts: The first round of Apple Watches have been delivered
Migos donate $1000 to ATL Highschool, proceed to #breaktheinternet